Campus Community Forum Thursday to Discuss Upcoming Campus Utility Work

An open forum for the campus community will be held Thursday, Jan. 18, to provide information about upcoming utility work on the Shaw Quad. The event will be held at 3:45 p.m. in the Joyce Hergenhan Auditorium, Newhouse 3.

Pete Sala, vice president and chief facilities officer, will present information on the utility work that will start in mid-February on and around the Quad. Joe Alfieri, director of Campus Planning, Design and Construction (CPDC), and Dave Warren, CPDC project manager, will also be at the event to discuss the project.

The campus community will hear information about what to expect regarding changes to access to sidewalks, walkways, parking, etc., during the project.

American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) will be available. For questions about accessibility or to request accommodations at the forum, contact the Equal Opportunity, Inclusion and Resolution Services (EOIRS) office at 315.443.4018.

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Read the original article at SU News.