A new era began on Sept. 13, 2019, as Syracuse University opened the Barnes Center at The Arch, the University’s state-of-the-art health, wellness and recreation complex. The new facility and the programs that find their home there include many amenities found in other college and university recreation centers, but its staffing, resources and services go well beyond the scope of a traditional college recreation center. In addition to recreational fitness and personal training, students find health clinics, nutritional advice and stress management, meditation resources and mental health counseling in a central location.
Made possible through the vision and generosity of Board of Trustees Chairman Emeritus Steven W. Barnes ’82 and his wife, Deborah, this ambitious cornerstone project helps solidify a modern and holistic student experience as a core value for Syracuse University.
The fully accessible and integrated facility embodies the University’s Academic Strategic Plan’s goal to “nourish the whole student to support academic, social, and emotional well-being” with the Campus Framework’s goal of enriching all aspects of student life.