The Campus Framework works in coordination with the University’s Academic Strategic Plan to shape, guide and manage the Syracuse University campus environment and its physical form in support of the University’s mission. It seeks to foster an inclusive range of strategies to address the student experience, integrate accessibility and mobility, and improve the academic and research environments.
The overarching goals for the Campus Framework:
1. Support Academic Excellence: Strengthen the global legacy of learning and investigation by creating 21st century academic and research environments across the University.
2. Enrich all aspects of Student Life: Foster student success through a holistic residential experience, engaging student life centers, a comprehensive academic and administrative support network, and a diverse array of health and wellness offerings.
3. Create a Diverse and Vibrant Campus Setting: Continue to enrich the environment with high-quality place-making, buildings and landscapes, distinguished by design excellence.
As a long-term roadmap meant to guide future campus development, the Campus Framework is designed to be flexible, incremental and implemented in phases. The phasing plans will be iterative and evolving, and may change in order to accommodate future priorities.